Table of contents


In this article I’ll show how to host a multi-version Doxygen documentation on GitHub Pages and automate its generation using GitHub Actions.

Problems with mono-version documentation

I have a small hobby project that generates documentation using Doxygen and hosts it on GitHub Pages. Nothing special but as the project begins to evolve, I realized that having a single documentation is not nice for multiple reasons:

  • it requires special notes like “available/deprecated since version N” around API.
  • it requires similar notes for non-API things, like describing overall design, recommended practices, examples.
  • the above notes are not generally useful because changes are usually driven by users who are supposed to migrate to the latest version.

Basically, over the time, documentation gets polluted with those notes to cover all the existing versions. Of course, another approach is just to remove older documentation altogether but it’s not friendly to users that for some reasons can’t migrate to the latest version immediately.

Welcome multi-version documentation

All of the above problems can be solved when a project has dedicated documentation for each release. Pretty every large project like Boost or Python uses this approach. Unfortunately, Doxygen doesn’t support this out of the box. It generates a completely standalone set of HTML pages for a given version but has no functionality to combine multiple such sets and allow the user to switch between them.

I’ve found no existing tutorial to achieve this but ChatGPT suggested an approach and guided me through most of its steps. Note that I’m not a front-end nor a DevOps expert so there’s a chance that there’s a space for further improvement but, overall, it should be a solid start for anyone with a similar goal.


This tutorial uses CMake 3.29.3 and Doxygen 1.10. It also assumes that project version is specified using CMake project() command and available via ${PROJECT_VERSION} variable.

The very basic CMake + Doxygen setup looks like this:

find_package(Doxygen REQUIRED)

# Doxygen options in the form of `DOXYGEN_<OPTION_NAME>`...

    doc                      # target name
    "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}"  # sources to scan for docs

All the following changes are made on top of it. It’s not a problem if you’re using another approach, just apply similar settings in a way you prefer.

The final demo repository is here, it contains all the parts described below. Its docs are here.

Overall design

Here’s the directory structure we need:

/           # docs root
    1.0.0/  # version-specific docs

These dirs will be located in a separate branch (e.g. gh-pages) that contains nothing but the docs themselves. On each release (or another event), a new documentation will be generated using Doxygen and pushed to the root of that branch into a version-specific directory. As was said above, generated docs know nothing about each other so our two main problems are:

  • version switch mechanics
  • automated docs generation and population of the docs branch

Version switch mechanics

Adjusting folder names

By default, Doxygen generates docs into html directory, to have them in a version-specific directory we can use HTML_OUTPUT option:


It will produce the docs into a path like build_dir/doc/1.0.0, where doc is the Doxygen target name. But there’s a minor problem here. When we build the doc target, we don’t know the actual version and hence the path to generated docs. Without this knowledge it’s pretty hard to automate the process. To solve it, let’s add another directory into that path using Doxygen OUTPUT_DIRECTORY setting:


Now, docs are located in build_dir/doc/docs/1.0.0 and the new docs directory holds nothing else but our version-specific docs. To determine the generated version, we can simply enumerate directories in docs, actually, there will always be a single one. This trick will be used later in the building documentation section.

Main page

OK, now we can have docs in separate version-specific directories but what should be the main page? When docs are hosted on a standalone server over which you have full control, you can try to update the path to index page on each new release. GitHub Pages is not so flexible, it always looks for index.html in the root directory. To make it work, we have to implement HTML redirect:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=2.0.0/index.html">
    <p>If you are not redirected automatically, <a href="2.0.0/index.html">click here</a>.</p>

The target URL changes with each release so the generation of this file will be automated later. Here’s how the root directory will look like at this stage:

/           # root of our documentation
    1.0.0/  # version-specific directories
        index.html # version-specific main page generated by Doxygen

    index.html # redirects to the latest release docs, e.g. `2.0.0/index.html`

Version selector

Now comes the interesting part, we need that dropdown selector element that does the actual switch between versions. Doxygen has PROJECT_NUMBER option, when set, it nicely displays the project version next to the project name. doxygen_add_docs automatically sets it to ${PROJECT_VERSION}. If you’re using standalone Doxygen config, be sure to set it by hand. That static number has to be replaced with a version selector. Doxygen allows customization of the header HTML part that’s common for all pages. First, we need to generate the default one:

doxygen -w html header.html footerFile styleSheetFile Doxyfile.doc

Here, Doxyfile.doc is Doxygen configuration file generated by doxygen_add_docs, it can be found in the binary directory of the doc target (e.g. build_dir/doc/Doxyfile.doc). If you’re using standalone configuration file, use it here instead of Doxyfile.doc. From 3 files generated by this command, we need only header.html that we are about to customize. Opening it, we can see where that version text is located:

<span id="projectnumber">&#160;$projectnumber</span>

During docs generation, Doxygen replaces that $projecnumber with PROJECT_NUMBER value but we don’t need that. Instead, we cut it down to just:

<span id="projectnumber"/>

Then, we add a version_selector_handler.js script that does 3 things:

  • injects <select> element from version_selector.html inside the projectnumber span
  • implements redirect when different version is selected
  • maintains proper active value of the <select> element

Here’s the script:

// version_selector_handler.js
$(function () {
    var repoName = window.location.pathname.split('/')[1];
    $.get('/' + repoName + '/version_selector.html', function (data) {
        // Inject version selector HTML into the page

        // Event listener to handle version selection
        document.getElementById('versionSelector').addEventListener('change', function () {
            var selectedVersion = this.value;
            window.location.href = '/' + repoName + '/' + selectedVersion + '/index.html';

        // Set the selected option based on the current version
        var currentVersion = window.location.pathname.split('/')[2];

Note that its URL is in the form of /<repo_name>/version_selector.html. That’s because when project is published on GitHub Pages, all its URLs will have <repo_name> prefix. It’s not needed if docs are hosted on a fully standalone domain.

This script has to be injected at the bottom of the <head> section of the header.html:

<!-- header.html -->
  <!-- other content... -->
  <script type="text/javascript" src="$relpath^version_selector_handler.js"></script>

The actual <select> element is located in /version_selector.html file and will be populated automatically. Here’s how it can look like:

<!-- version_selector.html -->
<select id="versionSelector">
    <option value="2.0.0">2.0.0</option>
    <option value="1.0.0">1.0.0</option>

Here’s the full structure of our documentation directory:

/           # root of our documentation
    1.0.0/  # version-specific directories
        version_selector_handler.js # loads `/version_selector.html`
        index.html # version-specific main page generated by Doxygen

    index.html # redirects to the latest release, e.g. `2.0.0/index.html`
    version_selector.html # holds the actual version list

Note that while every generated documentation has its own version_selector_handler.js copy, there’s only one instance of version_selector.html. There’s no need to regenerate existing docs to introduce a new version, only version_selector.html has to be updated.

We need to adjust Doxygen settings to bring the above changes together:

# specify custom header path
set(DOXYGEN_HTML_HEADER "header.html")

# extra files that will be copied alongside generated HTML files
set(DOXYGEN_HTML_EXTRA_FILES "version_selector_handler.js")

And that’s it, now each HTML page has that <select> element with version list which is updated automatically and user can switch between versions as they want.


The next major step is automation of the above steps using GitHub Actions. The following assumes you know at least basics of how Actions and Workflows work.


We need 3 basic building blocks to achieve our goals:

  • build the docs
  • update version_selector.html that contains version list
  • update /index.html HTML redirect

Using them we can implement different strategies using GitHub Workflows. I’ve extracted them to corresponding custom actions. Here, I will show only their core parts to keep things short, you can find full sources in the demo repository. Note that the actions below are made configurable and can be reused as is, check out their inputs section for a list of parameters.

Building documentation

# .github/actions/build-docs/action.yaml

  - name: Install deps
    shell: bash
    run:   |
            sudo apt install -y cmake
            sudo apt install -y wget
            wget -nv
            tar -xzf doxygen-1.10.0.linux.bin.tar.gz
            echo "$(pwd)/doxygen-1.10.0/bin" >> $GITHUB_PATH

  - name: CMake configuration
    shell: bash
    run:  cmake $ -B $

  - name: CMake build
    shell: bash
    run:  cmake --build $ --target $

  - name: Get docs version
    id: get-docs-version
    shell: bash
    run: |
      subdir=$(basename $(find $/$ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d | head -n 1))
      echo "version=$subdir" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT

  # deploy to either version-specific or to explicitly provided directory

It just installs CMake and Doxygen and builds the target that is responsible for invoking Doxygen. The only interesting part here is the last step, it retrieves the version of the generated documentation by simply enumerating directories in the Doxygen OUTPUT_DIRECTORY.

Updating version_selector.html

version_selector.html should contain all the versions we have published on our docs branch (e.g. gh-pages). This is achieved by enumerating directories and then generating HTML file from that list:

# .github/actions/update-version-selector/action.yaml

  - name: Discover versions
    id: discover-versions
    shell: bash
    run: |
      git fetch origin $
      dirs=$(git ls-tree --name-only -d origin/$ | sort -rV)
      echo "counter=$(echo "$dirs" | wc -l | xargs)" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT

      mkdir $
      # Create HTML
      echo '<select id="$">' > $/$
      for dir in $dirs; do
          if [[ "$(basename "$dir")" != .* ]]; then
              version=$(basename "$dir")
              echo "    <option value=\"$version\">$version</option>" >> $/$
      echo '</select>' >> $/$

  # deploy step...

Updating redirect page

This one is trivial, just take the target url from the parameter and generate the standard HTML redirect:

# .github/actions/update-redirect-page/action.yaml

  - name: Generate redirect HTML
    shell: bash
    run: |
      mkdir $
      cat << EOF > $/$
      <!DOCTYPE html>
      <html lang="en">
          <meta charset="UTF-8">
          <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=$">
          <p>If you are not redirected automatically, <a href="$">click here</a>.</p>

  # deploy step...


The above three actions are enough to implement almost any strategy for docs generation. Let’s see a couple of common ones.

Generating git-main docs

It’s useful to have not only release-specific docs but the ones corresponding to the latest, not yet released version of a project. This can be achieved by generating docs from the main branch whenever new commits are pushed into it. We’ll give such docs a git-main “version”:

# .github/workflows/create-git-main-docs.yml

      - main

    runs-on: ubuntu-22.04

      - uses: actions/checkout@v4

      - name: Build docs
        id: build-docs
        uses: ./.github/actions/build-docs
          cmake_target: 'doc'
          docs_dir: 'doc/docs'
          destination_dir: git-main
          github_token: $

      - name: Update version selector
        id: update-version-selector
        uses: ./.github/actions/update-version-selector
          github_token: $

      - name: Create redirect page if there are no releases
        if: $
        uses: ./.github/actions/update-redirect-page
          github_token: $
          target_url: git-main/index.html

The first two steps are self-explanatory, the only thing to notice is destination_dir: git-main argument to build-docs action. It forces build-docs to deploy documentation to the git-main directory, not to a version-specific one because those are reserved for releases. The last step is required to create redirect page when your documentation branch has no release-specific docs yet. It’s useful when you begin to play with this stuff to test how everything works without making new releases.

Generating release docs

Generating release-specific docs is the main goal of this tutorial and its workflow is even simpler than the above. This time destination_dir is not set so the docs are published into a version-specific directory, e.g. 1.0.0:

    types: [released]

    runs-on: ubuntu-22.04

      - uses: actions/checkout@v4

      - name: Build docs
        id: build-docs
        uses: ./.github/actions/build-docs
          cmake_target: 'doc'
          docs_dir: 'doc/docs'
          github_token: $

      - name: Update redirect HTML
        uses: ./.github/actions/update-redirect-page
          github_token: $
          target_url: $/index.html

      - name: Update version selector
        uses: ./.github/actions/update-version-selector
          github_token: $

Generating PR docs

The above two workflows are a good basis to generate docs for a project. As an example of something “extra”, let’s generate docs from a pull request. It can be useful for projects with many contributors to check that docs for a new feature are correct. Generating them from every PR makes no sense so we need some condition here. GitHub has different ways to control when to run such a workflow, I’ve chosen the simplest one, to run it when PR is labeled as documentation. It’s very similar to git-main workflow but now destination_dir is set to PR-$ and redirect page is never touched:

# .github/workflows/create-pr-docs.yml

    types: [labeled, synchronize]
      - main

    if: $
    runs-on: ubuntu-22.04

      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
          ref: $

      - name: Build docs
        id: build-docs
        uses: ./.github/actions/build-docs
          cmake_target: 'doc'
          docs_dir: 'doc/docs'
          destination_dir: PR-$
          github_token: $

      - name: Update version selector
        uses: ./.github/actions/update-version-selector
          github_token: $

Removing PR docs

Unlike git-main and release docs which stay there forever, PR docs should be removed when PR is closed:

# .github/workflows/remove-pr-docs.yml

    types: [closed]
      - main

    if: $
    runs-on: ubuntu-22.04

      - name: Remove PR docs
        uses: peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v4
          github_token: $
          publish_dir: $
          destination_dir: PR-$

      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
          sparse-checkout: .github

      - name: Update version selector
        uses: ./.github/actions/update-version-selector
          github_token: $

Here, peaceiris/actions-gh-pages removes destination_dir before pushing new files to it and since $ is empty, this effectively results in removing PR docs.

Upgrading from a mono to multi-version documentation

Switch from a mono to multi-version documentation requires a bit of manual intervention. git-main docs will be generated automatically once new functionality is merged into main, the same applies to new releases but not to the previous ones. For my project, I’ve decided to integrate only the latest available release at the time to the new multi-version docs branch. But that release generates docs without the new version selector functionality and wouldn’t work as is. Here’s how I’ve done it:

  • pulled release tag locally
  • applied Doxygen-specific changes on top of it
  • generated its documentation, now it has version selector functionality
  • manually pushed it to my gh-pages branch into the corresponding version-specific directory
  • manually added that version to version_selector.html
  • updated index.html redirect page

That’s it, now old release docs are fully integrated. Not a lot of work for a single release but if one needs this for more releases, it makes sense to automate the process.


We’re done, at this point we have a fully automated system that generates and publishes documentation for a project allowing user to switch between the versions. The presented approach is not the only one, many other customizations are possible but it should be a good place to start.